Days to (Half) Decades: A Glance in the Rearview


As the dazzling ball dropped and lit up 2020, humans worldwide reflected on the past decade. At KLH, we kind of went halvsies.

It's not that ten years is too much for us to consider. And we're so thankful that '10 through '14 brought us such gems as Bruno Mars, Downton Abbey and, closer to home, Roti Rolls. But it's that second half of the decade that we're staring back on, hands on hips, mouths agape. How is it that KLH Group turned five years old this very week?


It seems impossible. They say time flies when you're having fun, but it must move at warp speed when you're doing good. And when we consider what we've achieved since our humble but ambitious beginnings, it brings five calendar turns into clearer focus.

Above all, perhaps, is one figure: 230,000. That's the number of kids we've positively impacted in the past half-decade. For some, it was a fresh supply of beloved toys to play with during inpatient cancer care. For others, it was the welcomed daily sight of a colorful mural along the corridor of a hospital. And for others, it was the dream of a safe space to play come to bear in the delivery of a charming handcrafted clubhouse. Partnering with our clients to give sick and underserved youth in our community the tangible gifts and intangible experiences so easily taken for granted has been the recurring zenith of our work.


Zooming in on more recent wins, we consider the addition of Victoria Hill to our team among the most wonderful. As our new Events Manager, Victoria brings experience from both the non- and for-profit sectors, with a spirit of professionalism, undeniable branding-savvy, and compassionate tenacity baked into everything she touches.


And as much as we can hardly wrap our heads around our fifth birthday, we are gobsmacked by, and giddy about, the volume of press our operation has received in just the past 12 months. Who knew there was so much stirring content to share about our history, mission, and accomplishments? (Well, we did, but we're not without a smidge of bias.) In case you missed it, here's where we popped up in national print:


Convene Magazine, the leading publication in the business events industry, featured KLH Group in an article in its November 2019 issue. “Conference Attendees Mentor Budding Entrepreneurs” captured our unique ability to put our multinational CSR clients in close proximity to their benefactors - in this case, at-risk youth with entrepreneurial aspirations.

Mount Pleasant Magazine Feature

In its September/October 2019 issue, Mount Pleasant Magazine ran an article titled, “Clubhouses for Children with Cancer: Building a Place to Dream, Imagine, and Play,” introducing the aim of our clubhouse builds to our home community and chronicling two local events that yielded sweet safe havens for two incredibly brave young cancer fighters.

Exhibitor Magazine Feature

Exhibitor Magazine, which follows best practices in trade shows and events, shared a June 2019 article, "KLH Group Adds Social Impact to Luxury Corporate Events." The story takes a look back at our origins, and how they shaped our mission of not just matching the CSR goals of large organizations with existing templates, but thoughtfully designing authentically impactful events tailored to the company culture, employee spirit, and global aim of the client.

Meetings & Events Magazine Feature

Meetings + Events Magazine headlined an April 2019 article “ALHI Unites Industry with Fourth Annual ‘Leaders Meeting Leaders’ Program.” This story highlighted our experience treating a global organization steeped in luxury travel to some true Southern splendor, then sharing an afternoon with them for an outdoor clubhouse build helping underserved children craft their own deluxe digs.

The Ruby Hour Feature

And amid all the print bliss, we ended the year with some audio delight, engaging in a wise and witty podcast with local marketing outlet Ruby Riot Creatives. Hope's December conversation on The Ruby Hour ran the gamut of attracting top talent and operating fearlessly to setting boundaries with clients and, yes, fertility. "Bringing Your Soul Values Back Into the Workplace" is worth a listen - the first time, to inform and inspire; then again, just to put you in a better mood.

Every day is precious. And every New Year is exciting. But we're going to celebrate this special marker - now that we've fully comprehended it - with a few more "high fives." Then we're going to get back to doing more of what makes us so happy to be 1,825 days into a gig so great.

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